Miró Rivera Architects


Web | Arquitectura Viva


Our exhibition in Graz, Austria has been highlighted by international Spanish architecture publication Arquitectura Viva:

Until January 23, 2022, the Haus der Architektur (HDA) from the Austrian city of Graz hosts an exhibition dedicated to the Miró Rivera Architects studio. The firm founded by Juan Miró, Rosa Rivera and Miguel Rivera has been working in Austin (Texas) for more than twenty years, a city characterized by a topography of gentle hills, which has the presence of the Colorado River. With their works, Miró Rivera Architects seeks to maintain balance and the harmonious and apparently effortless interaction between architecture and nature. This exhibition brings together a series of selected projects from the firm, showing examples organized in three thematic areas: trees, water, people. In them, the architects present works that demonstrate how the interactions between the city, nature and architecture influence spaces for living and working. For Miró Rivera, this is the main objective.